"Nacht der Wissenschaft" (Night of Science) Düsseldorf - sponsored by GFFU

Pictures of the successful event "Nacht der Wissenschaft 2022" (Night of Science) which was organised at Düsseldorfer Schadowplatz and at the "Haus der Universität" (House of the University. The event presented "science to go" featuring seven research facilities of Düsseldorf including HHU and HSD. On September 12th 2022, the event took place from 5.00 pm until 12.00 p.m. - with free entrance for everyone... The GFFU was the biggest sponsor of the event and had its own booth at the "Wunder-Bar".


All pictures: Dieter Joswig (picture 04 and picture 06: Copyright HHU). This event is also featured in a detailed GFFU webnews article (including person's names): GFFU webnews article (in German)

You can also find a GFFU YouTube-Videoclip of this event at the GFFU Videos Page of "GFFU Interactive".